the ATLAS Elyden
The Atlas Elyden started out as a single map made in 2016 to experiment with a style apart from traditional fantasy maps, which I felt did not suit the character of Elyden, which was increasingly turning into a post-industrial world that quaint tolkienesque fantasy maps just did not suit any more.
I enjoyed the style so much that I stuck with it and now the atlas stands at around 70-maps and counting, which I publish around once every 4-weeks. I've changed and (hopefully) refined the maps over the years and have added new features and details which have dated the older maps, which will be updated in due course.
The maps are made in Photoshop, and projection work is either done though in PS itself, using a plug-in, or G. Projector. Many have commented that Illustrator or a similar vector-based software would be more adequate to the work. and they would be right, but given that these are intended to be produced in-world (ie. by cartographers in Elyden itself) I feel the rougher appearance of using raster graphics looks more 'authentic'.
The maps are all based on a large black and white world map made in equirectangular projection. I create the projection I need and resize and rotate it and then trace over it with the topography making that any neighbouring regions that have already been mapped line up with the new work so that the topography is consistent.
This is where all maps from the Atlas Elyden go to live once they're completed. I've included the entire back-catalogue of Atlas images on this page, in the order of original publication, and will keep it updated with new low-res entries, after exclusive high-res and textless options are made available to my patrons.
A Key to all below maps can be found here.
For a full map of the Inner Sea, check out this page
Clicking on each of the maps brings up more information as well as a link to a higher res version.